The Elder Scrolls Online series spans hundreds of years of history
and takes place in many different areas of Tamriel. Elder Scrolls Online
updated most of the previously explored areas, but it also added new
areas that were previously only mentioned in the game book or in the
dialogue with NPCs, without its own main title. But the way players get Elder Scrolls Online Gold is the same.
has an incredibly diverse landscape, and each region deserves its own
legend. Some areas of Tamriel have been spent in the spotlight of the
mainline game, but have not yet been explored in Elder Scrolls Online.
Solstheim Island is a typical example, as it appears in both Elder
Scrolls Online V and Elder Scrolls Online III.
Summerset Isles is
one of the areas that can be explored in Elder Scrolls Online but does
not have its own dedicated game, although many people speculate that
this may be the background of Elder Scrolls VI. These islands are home
to Altmer or high elves, who openly brag about the beauty of their
islands. These islands are indeed very spectacular, with fascinating
rock formations everywhere, especially along the coastline. The trees
that grow on the Summer Sunset Islands usually have pink, red, orange or
even purple leaves, creating a pleasant autumn atmosphere. The most
interesting creature players can find here is probably the elusive
indrik, which is similar to a deer with crystal antlers and feathered
torso, capable of using elemental attacks when it feels threatened.
the least known area of Tamriel, Elsweyr was not included in the basic
version of Elder Scrolls Online, but was eventually added to two
separate DLC packages. Elsweyr is the home of Khajiit and is divided
into two different areas, Northern Elsweyr and Southern Elsweyr. This
area has a deep history suitable for the main Elder Scrolls Online
title; including the formation and destruction of sixteen different
kingdoms, plagues and rebellions. At the same time, remind players that
they can buy some ESO Gold before the game starts.
The Wall