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The Final Fantasy XIV retainer is a great way for players to use their imagination in the character creator without affecting the appearance of their own playable avatars. However, sometimes players may wish to change the appearance of their followers. For this, players need a special consumable called Retainer Fantasia.

Players need to ensure that all Final Fantasy XIV equipment and accessories of Retainer are not equipped before using Fantasia. They should note that the main tools or weapons that determine the work of the holder do not need to be removed. Players can obtain Retainer Fantasia in Final Fantasy XIV in two ways.

The first and most straightforward way to change the appearance of the fixture in Final Fantasy XIV is to purchase the fixture fantasia from the Player Market Committee. On average, a vial should cost about 20,000 FFXIV Gil. However, this cost may be slightly lower or higher, depending on the server. Newer Final Fantasy XIV players can farm FFXIV Gil to purchase other rare items, such as emoticons or creeps, and instead can passively obtain Retainer Fantasia.

The second way to obtain Retainer Fantasia is by planting Final Fantasy XIV Retainer Ventures. After the player's guard reaches level 10, they will be able to activate "Quick Exploration", an RNG-based adventure activity in which a guard will always return with a single random item. Or players can Buy FFXIV Gil directly to get it.

The level of the Retainer determines the rewards of "quick exploration" and the quality of the items obtained. In addition, there are some FFXIV Gil that can only be obtained during the "quick exploration" period, one of which is the risk vault. Once consumed, the risk vault will reward the player with one of several rare universal dyes or a bottle of Retainer Fantasia. After acquiring or purchasing Retainer Fantasia, Final Fantasy XIV players must talk to the Retainer Vocate NPC to change the appearance of their Retainer.

Square Enix postponed the Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker expansion by two weeks. The new content was originally scheduled to be released on November 23, 2021, but will now be available on December 7. If players have early access, they can join on December 3rd. The development team expressed their confidence to use the delayed time to make the expansion pack better.

"At this rate, we have a greater risk of reaching the release date without ensuring stability as a form of quality, so I decided to postpone the release at this time," Naoki Yoshida said. "Since we also expect a lot of congestion in all game worlds, I feel that even in this regard, it is wrong for us to release expansion packs without sufficient stability. I'm really sorry."

Looking to the future, Naoki Yoshida explained that he believes that the team can successfully portray the story of Endwalker because the team has already begun a long journey of developing and operating Final Fantasy XIV with players. Yoshida also confirmed that due to the change in the release date, the team will release patches 601 and 6.05 on December 21 and January 4, respectively. Secondly, players also need to Buy FFXIV Gil as possible.

Although the release date of Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker has been postponed, we have many other details to help us tide over the difficulties. The developers discussed PvP updates, production and collection adjustments, housing changes, and even fishing in a recent letter from the producer stream, which players can see on it. Finally, we suggest players can choose IGGM to buy FFXIV Gil.

One of the best features of Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker is that it directly builds and includes past expansions, Stormblood and Shadowbringers. When other online games segment players through paid content, Final Fantasy XIV ensures that the community can always play together easily. This effectively allows latecomers to access old dungeons and stories for free, while existing veterans can choose to instantly switch between multiple consoles and PCs.

Square Enix handles this upgrade directly in the game through patch download. Once the Final Fantasy XIV patch 6.0 goes live on November 23, the Stormblood and Shadowbringers CDs and codes will be out of date. For PC players, please note that the Steam and standard Windows PC copies of Final Fantasy XIV are considered completely separate products. In order to Buy FF14 Gil, the base game and Endwalker must be purchased from the same source. Neither Square Enix nor Valve can assist or guarantee refunds for incorrect game versions.

Eligibility for the past expansion of Final Fantasy XIV requires proper account registration on the Mog Station subsite of Square Enix. This may be a bit confusing, because since its launch in 2010, several different versions of Final Fantasy XIV have been released. The other layer is the platform and ownership area, which must match all programs. The system will also be suitable for any future expansion, including any time Final Fantasy XIV finally landed on Xbox. Players can also purchase various equipment through FFXIV Gil in the game.

Final Fantasy XIV sets up a variety of tasks to facilitate players to obtain FFXIV Gil, or they can buy FFXIV Gil. For PlayStation owners, all console versions share a common license. This even includes the now-defunct PlayStation 3 version, which will still be included in the ownership of Final Fantasy XIV on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. However, for all platforms, you should carefully check whether Endwalker matches their Final Fantasy XIV region.

As a hot game in recent years, Final Fantasy XIV has attracted a large number of fans. Every player who enters the game wants to upgrade quickly. FFXIV Gil can buy better weapons, exquisite hairstyles, exquisite mounts, and even their own houses for players.

There are many ways to make a lot of FFXIV Gil in the game, but they all take some time and effort. There is no shortcut to make a player become the richest FFXIV player in just a few hours. Or, players can sell loot they don’t need to other players on the market committee. Players can also disassemble it, which will provide them with some crafting parts.

If the player is already on duty roulette and challenge logs, please continue to do what they are doing. Although most of the following FFXIV Gil production methods are more rewarding, these challenges provide a large amount of FFXIV Gil and do not take much time.

If players want to maximize the number of Final Fantasy XIV Gil they get from Duty Roulette, make sure you are an adventurer in need. Tanks and healers are often in short supply, so using one of these courses will reward players with FFXIV Gil. Don't forget to replace your extra high-level rewards with unique equipment and items. Reselling these will provide players with an additional source of FFXIV Gil.


The upcoming expansion of Final Fantasy XIV, Endwalker, is just around the corner. Players are making all preparations to discover its new content and the ending of the story. Square Enix has revealed a lot of information about the new content that will be launched with Endwalker, but there are other projects that are less advanced in development, but will still be released in the expansion cycle.

A new dungeon is part of these projects. It will be launched during Endwalker, but the developer has not disclosed the time window for its release. The abyss dungeon is a unique example, where the player has a separate level and has an old-fashioned dungeon experience with roguelite elements. They are constantly changing, with different maps, random monsters, dangerous traps and valuable chests.

In addition to providing a refreshing game experience, the deep dungeons in Final Fantasy XIV also provide unique rewards, such as charms, minions and other items, and achievements. They are also a good choice for quick upgrades, because players gain XP in the dungeon, even if their level is reset in it.

According to Yoshida, when they reacted to the lack of deep dungeons in Shadowbringers, the staff was surprised to see that the player base had so many requests to get a deep dungeon in each expansion. This is why Square Enix plans to add one more to the upcoming expansion.

The next dungeon is still shrouded in many FFXIV Gil. It is not clear what kind of content it will provide, and whether it will follow the same system as before, or whether Square Enix will change it. After the release of Endwalker, later this year or even 2022, more information may be shared in this regard. 

Attached link: https://www.iggm.com/ffxiv-gil


A mount is an item that allows players to quickly browse the huge digital world of this type, instead of walking and jogging like an idiot. In its ten-year existence, the stables of rideable creatures and devices in Final Fantasy XIV have expanded to nearly 200 mounts. Unlocking each mount has different FFXIV Gil, from upgrading to paying actual money.

Players can participate in the game's regular activities to obtain the Final Fantasy XIV mount, in which they can interact with characters in other games or celebrate a fantasy version of a real-world holiday. In one such incident recently, the beautiful boy of Final Fantasy XIV, Noctis Lucis Caelum, was mysteriously teleported to Hydaelyn, and the player needed to help him repair his iconic motor vehicle, Quartz Regalia, so that he could Buy FFXIV Gil.

The Gold Saucer is a palace of transfer, all of which are paid in a unique currency called Mandeville Golden Disk Points. For example, players can participate in chocobo races or adventure island story-style jumping missions. There are many lotteries, some of which promise huge MGP rewards. The casino even regularly hosts Triple Triad tournaments.

In other words, all of this pales in comparison to the MGP available for competition in the fashion report, which is a weekly challenge to find clothing that closely matches the theme proposed by the competition organizer, an NPC named Masked Rose. Every Tuesday, Masked Rose will give players a new fashion challenge. With a little help from the fashion report and Reddit user Kaiyoko Star who publishes a fashion report solution every Friday, it is possible to win up to 60,000 MGP.


Opo Opo Brown Dye is one of many brown shades that players can color their clothing in Final Fantasy XIV. This dye is named after Opo Opo, which is an animal skin creature in Final Fantasy XIV. Opo Opo brown dye has a brighter hue, similar to a lighter brown or pigment between dirt. It is an excellent dye for those who want their FFXIV Gil to have a rustic or natural feel.

New players should remember that they cannot dye armor in Final Fantasy XIV until they complete the side quest "Coloring Your World" in Western Thanalan. Provided by the task giver Swyrgeim, this short task can be easily completed and will grant the player a "coloring" operation. Before this task is completed, players can collect dyes but cannot Buy FFXIV Gil.

To use Opo Opo Brown Dye to dye their own equipment in Final Fantasy XIV, new players must visit a specific merchant in one of the three starting cities. No need to worry about exclusivity, because all these NPC vendors sell Opo Opo Brown Dye at the same price of 40 FFXIV Gil.

In Final Fantasy XIV, the first vendor to sell Opo Opo Brown Dye was Alaric, an independent tinker in the old Gridania. Players can find him at the ebony booth on the north side of the market. His coordinates are X: 14.3 and Y: 8.8. The next seller is Nanabe, an independent merchant located in Ul'dah, Steps of Thal at X: 14.2, Y: 11.0. She is a few steps south of the Sapphire Exchange Venue's Ethernet shard. Unsynrael the Dyemonger is the third merchant, sitting on the west side of Hawkers' Alley on the lower deck of Limsa Lominsa. She can be found at X: 6.0, Y: 12.3.

In Final Fantasy XIV, it takes about 200 FFXIV Gil to dye all clothing of a person with Opo Opo Brown Dye. If players wish to restore their clothes to their original appearance, they can use a special sap Terebinth worth 60 FFXIV Gil to remove the dye. You can purchase Terebinth from any of the three suppliers mentioned above.

Players can do many things in Final Fantasy XIV, and gathering is one of them. Some players just Buy FF14 Gil from a third-party website, while others like to work hard for it in the game. It sounds simple, but collecting FFXIV Gil is an extremely important skill and will come in handy when the player continues to play. In this guide, players will learn the basics collected in Final Fantasy XIV, which will help them level up and start using the skill.

There are three collection classes in Final Fantasy XIV: Fisher, Botanist, and Miner. The first thing most players ask before becoming a collector is why they should become a collector in the first place. Becoming a Gatherer has several advantages. For example, it is a job that is easier to break into than handmade. Players can buy rare items without worrying about the price of the market committee. You can also make considerable profits by collecting and selling things.

Once the player decides to become a collector, please pay attention to the following data to improve the player's skill level: Collect-When players go out to collect items, this ability increases their chances of receiving items. GP- represents the resource meter of the collection operation. Perception-Increases the player's chances of receiving better quality items during the party.

Compared with other MMOs, partying in Final Fantasy XIV is a fun and fascinating experience. However, it takes a lot of time, which is unbearable for many players. If players want to play the game without having to spend hours collecting items, just buy FFXIV Gil online and play the game immediately. It can save players hours of numbing training in the game and significantly improve their game progress.

Buying a house in Final Fantasy XIV is basically divided into two processes. There is a new lottery system, and each applicant has an entry in the pool. Then came the previous system, where players scrambled to be the first applicant for a new house, which caused many players to gather around the placards of the house, possibly waiting for several hours.

Yoshida emphasized that the Final Fantasy XIV team has established a new lottery system, and it is possible to implement it in new and existing regions on a region-by-region basis, not just in Ishgard. The team will also have the authority to set the entire area as a lottery-based option or a traditional first-come, first-served option, if it so desires. There may be some housing locations that need to be purchased by players as a free company. This is the guild version of Final Fantasy XIV.

So how does the lottery process work? Players will see that a piece of land is available for a certain period of time, and then they will be able to pay a refundable deposit based on the placard of the house. Yoshida gave a deposit cost of 2 million FFXIV Gil, which most endgame players can get during game time. A player will deposit the 2 million FFXIV Gil into the house, which gives them only one chance to enter the lottery pool and randomly select a winner.

When the winner is selected, they will receive a winning notice and have a certain time to complete the purchase and move into the house. Players who do not win will be refunded their FFXIV Gil. Yoshida added that for houses that are eventually demolished due to long-term inactivity of the owner, the same process will be followed, assuring us that players do not have to wait for the cooldown timer to refresh before the placard, and that the dealer cannot take the house.

Attached link: https://www.iggm.com/ffxiv-gil


The housing market in Final Fantasy XIV has always been a highly competitive scene. The demand for land has not yet met the current in-game supply, resulting in a shortage of housing on the server. Even without this additional challenge, acquiring a residential plot and building a house in Final Fantasy XIV requires a lot of work and a lot of FFXIV Gil.

In Final Fantasy XIV, housing is so expensive that most of them are owned by members of free companies rather than individuals, because concentrating funds in the company’s treasure chest is a more effective way to save money to Buy FFXIV Gil. With more players trying Final Fantasy XIV than ever before, the plot shortage may only get worse. Hopefully, after adding more servers in the near future, some of these problems will be alleviated.

At the same time, thanks to the Ebuyer website, the pricing of Final Fantasy XIV houses has been compared with real-world currencies. The site configures the actual housing cost in video games by taking in-game items and placing the price in pounds sterling on them before converting them to U.S. dollars. Of course, the method here is not perfect, because the price fluctuates in games such as Final Fantasy XIV and in the real world. Nonetheless, it is interesting to see how the value of houses in MMORPG translates into real dollars.

Although the new data center is about to launch, the housing shortage in Final Fantasy XIV may continue for some time. However, this does not seem to affect house prices. When comparing the value of FFXIV Gil and USD, house prices are still far below the US real estate market. Regardless of the flaws in Ebuyer's methodology, this is an interesting way to understand the actual value of the residential land and buildings in Final Fantasy XIV.

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