
If you take 9m to repair your torags from weiyismart's blog


It's located at TzHaar city, right at TzHaar's birthing place. It's the RS gold fremmenik rings' bonuses, as well as many very attractive reused teleports, as well as one combat bonus that can be used against tzhaar. Also, you can get the Berserker ring, which comes with a strength bonus, or you can get the explorer's band, which includes alchemy spells that are free daily, or you might opt for an Onyx ring that is infused with the ability to mobilize armies. You can search for that information if you want to know more.

After being compromised, I only have 10 m cash left. I have worked on earning cash, but I'm looking to attend college and so RS will come to the bottom of my priorities. My current melee combat is: Helm of neitiznot, Amulet of Strength, Dragon platelegs, Fighter Torso. I was contemplating getting an Dragon platebody for better defence, or a DFS for Defense and a str bonus. Which one do you think I should choose, and what is the reason? I do have 99 pros and a steel Dragon in my dungeon, which means I could charge the shield. If you plan to take on a slayer, you don't need def, just pray Prossy pl8 and legs for prayer bonus, pray to shield yourself from melee/(mage/range depending on the job). In the end, go for glory or fury. Glory is the best choice if you can't be effed to spend 9m for an amulet. Fury comes with very strong defence stats for an ammy.. Alongside better statistics that glory.. Many sals believe that fury should be a necessity but glory is exactly the same.

Dragon Defender wins over dfs because of the atk bonus. Due to the fact that you're short of cash expl, it's a good idea to ring zerker because the pray bonus lowers the number of ppots available.. In addition, the emergency teles, free run, and the ability to be able to move crap tht u get are very effective.

If you're anything like me, and like grinding melee, Torags platesbody Torags legs. The two together cost about 800k-1m.. Degrade to 0 within 15 hours.. Together cost 170k iirc.. Imagine that you're buying D plate.. It cost roughly 9m? Torags provide 2 times more defense (Iirc it's the most effective defensive armour available).. The best part? It's frikkin' sexy!

If you take 9m to repair your torags, you could combine them to make the total of 843.75 hrs. (more than enough time to max melee and max slayer )... This is the best shizzle you'll get.. It's less expensive if you make use of an armour stand within ur house. There is no reason you wouldn't want to make use of them.

If you're not concerned about appearances, then you (are an ugly homo) have the option of purchasing Veracs skirt that goes with clothes body.. Similar to the legs for torags, only more expensive and comes with a prayer benefits, so you can make use of it for slaying for those who don't wish to pray for buy OSRS GP protection prayers. Dfs is only used to tank bosses and in the PVP arena, as drag def is much better due to the huge atk bonuses.

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By weiyismart
Added Feb 25 '22



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