What's the best pk'ing pure? I know range/2h'ers are unworthy in f2p, but about p2p? This would be an account that has absolutely everything it needs, with no money limitations in RuneScape gold any way. I am sure I will have additional questions, but that for starters. If anyone needs pictures of the way I got the completely free membership I screen-shotted it and it is still on my desktop. Not sure why I made it, possibly it had been a test for something they are offering in the future?
Are my claws worth promoting? I just have 1.5M spare besides my claws. Slayer. What's worthwhile? D-chain or berserker ring? What is better? SS and over or a fury? Barrowshould I do black sallies, then for Karil/Ahrim, what if I wear? When a ss has the very same stats as a whip, why is it good for slaying? It has like no shield with it? Is the ss's particular great? What is better? SS or Brackish with D ? How long could a d-def choose to get?
Does the barrows particular only work if you have the entire set? Is there anything you'd say is well worth doing and is enjoyable? For slayer, I discovered the Cannon can strike and you can also attack. Should I choose one to every task? What does my inv. Look like for slayer? What exactly does my inv. /equipment look like for barrows (Black sallies) How will I do it? Better to stove or melee Ahrims/Karils? Do you havea guide for sallies? How exactly do I do them? Should I sell my claws for cash and equipment? If I wish to kill green dragoners or green monster spiders... what is the best method?
Any tactics/set ups and anything to know about them. I could possess Earth Wave. Bridding: How/what do I hybrid with in a safe minigame? White FFA... any decent combos? W/o ancients. Only want to cheap OSRS gold fool around. I know how to make the rift robots however what about the robots that are heavier? Can I change helms everytime I change my style? I would like to stock up properly since I want to perform slayer as far as I can.