In addition to Shadowlands growth changes going into effect, the pre-patch event is a scourge invasion. Though this is going to be the third scourge invasion longtime players of WoW will have noticed, it's only the next time Blizzard has completed a zombie infestation as well
wow gold classic. The infestation is simple because NPC zombies will attack and can cause players to get a debuff on these, and that, as it reaches zero, will subsequently turn the player into a zombie and infect others. There are also plagued roaches, which, when they are killed, will also lead to the player who killed it to get the infected debuff. As a zombie, players receive a whole new set of abilities to use, and it can be a good deal of fun running in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Of course, when most of this went on the PTR, it caused no lack of consternation among players.
The main issue is trying to do anything which isn't the zombie infestation becomes hard to do, largely since participant zombies like to hangout at quest givers and other spots where plenty of players tend to gather. Because this event also will come with an entire questline that takes place from the zones across Stormwind and Orgrimmar, there's ample opportunity to camp outside and possibly infect as many players as possible. However, one positive change in the last time that the zombie infestation happened is that Blizzard seems to have made it more challenging to disperse it into the rest of Azeroth. Among the first things I did when I got infected was to hearth to Dalaran, but when I came, I wasn't infected anymore. However, I was able to take it to Boralus through using the portal in the mage tower, so it's not a perfect system yet.
The major thing to understand is two separate events are moving on. There is the scourge invasion as well as the questline, which takes players to Icecrown and sends gamers on a goose hunt for Nathanos. Then there is the zombie infestation, which adds just a bit of a PvP aspect for everything. It is not surprising some people would want to get involved in the very first event but not the second, as not everyone enjoys PvP or using their class and race skills removed and replaced by additional abilities. Blizzard could produce the infestation only active for a few of the months of the invasion, but that is no fun for anybody who misses that week and would want to engage. Frankly, the best solution probably is to leverage the Warmode system. An infestation is basically a PvP event , so having the capability to opt-in with Warmode makes sense. Even doing something at which for the majority of the invasion, gamers had to opt into the infestation by choosing Warmode, but then at the previous week, before Shadowlands fell, the infestation could influence everyone, would probably be the best solution.
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