
weiyismart's blog


It's located at TzHaar city, right at TzHaar's birthing place. It's the RS gold fremmenik rings' bonuses, as well as many very attractive reused teleports, as well as one combat bonus that can be used against tzhaar. Also, you can get the Berserker ring, which comes with a strength bonus, or you can get the explorer's band, which includes alchemy spells that are free daily, or you might opt for an Onyx ring that is infused with the ability to mobilize armies. You can search for that information if you want to know more.

After being compromised, I only have 10 m cash left. I have worked on earning cash, but I'm looking to attend college and so RS will come to the bottom of my priorities. My current melee combat is: Helm of neitiznot, Amulet of Strength, Dragon platelegs, Fighter Torso. I was contemplating getting an Dragon platebody for better defence, or a DFS for Defense and a str bonus. Which one do you think I should choose, and what is the reason? I do have 99 pros and a steel Dragon in my dungeon, which means I could charge the shield. If you plan to take on a slayer, you don't need def, just pray Prossy pl8 and legs for prayer bonus, pray to shield yourself from melee/(mage/range depending on the job). In the end, go for glory or fury. Glory is the best choice if you can't be effed to spend 9m for an amulet. Fury comes with very strong defence stats for an ammy.. Alongside better statistics that glory.. Many sals believe that fury should be a necessity but glory is exactly the same.

Dragon Defender wins over dfs because of the atk bonus. Due to the fact that you're short of cash expl, it's a good idea to ring zerker because the pray bonus lowers the number of ppots available.. In addition, the emergency teles, free run, and the ability to be able to move crap tht u get are very effective.

If you're anything like me, and like grinding melee, Torags platesbody Torags legs. The two together cost about 800k-1m.. Degrade to 0 within 15 hours.. Together cost 170k iirc.. Imagine that you're buying D plate.. It cost roughly 9m? Torags provide 2 times more defense (Iirc it's the most effective defensive armour available).. The best part? It's frikkin' sexy!

If you take 9m to repair your torags, you could combine them to make the total of 843.75 hrs. (more than enough time to max melee and max slayer )... This is the best shizzle you'll get.. It's less expensive if you make use of an armour stand within ur house. There is no reason you wouldn't want to make use of them.

If you're not concerned about appearances, then you (are an ugly homo) have the option of purchasing Veracs skirt that goes with clothes body.. Similar to the legs for torags, only more expensive and comes with a prayer benefits, so you can make use of it for slaying for those who don't wish to pray for buy OSRS GP protection prayers. Dfs is only used to tank bosses and in the PVP arena, as drag def is much better due to the huge atk bonuses.

In the end, if you believe that the cannonballs market will grow make sure you invest in them regardless of the quantity you believe you'll need to take down. If you're not sure whether they will rise and buy runescape gold you are unsure, keep the money in cash and purchase cannonballs at a time instead of having a stash of.

Over the past week, I've noticed a growing number of stray clockwork cats everywhere. I was able to spot one in the wild a few weeks ago in the crowd of PvPers. I figured it was just someone's fan, even though it was free and wasn't following any one (I tried to find it and concluded that it didn't belong to anyone ). However, the game told me, "That's not yours ."). Yesterday, there were 4 or 5 running free around the GE. Other places, too.

Did anyone else notice this? Does this seem to be a trick by Jagex to draw people's attention in crafting (or simply buy the clockwork cats of their choice)? Or , if you do die with a clockwork cat that follows you, will your clockwork cat turn into the "stray cat" roaming around that area for a while instead of simply disappearing way dropped objects usually do (but how often do people die within that GE)? (As an aside Do you have any idea that if you have cats following your, it's likely to get into fights with stray dogs that you pass, lol?)

Families have seen their damage output increased However, it was nerfed after it was discovered titans were hitting too intensely on bosses. I don't know how they're doing it now. As per modrathe: Summoning has largely been set aside for the time being due to the fact that we believe it's time for an Evolution of Summoning update to fully reflect the value of it.

While the fact that everything will be multicombat will make it somewhat better than today. In terms of herblore, Mod Pi is a good choice. With respects to prayer and herblore, the current in game bonuses that the highest levels offer pushes the player so far beyond their level that it was making balancing bosses to be challenging and difficult.

If you were to choose players who did not have these boosts, any player with Ovl + turm would be able to take the fight through the park. If you balanced for a player who has these boosts, then they were pretty much the standard. It was not the best choice as the buffs that prayer and potions give you should be seen as an additional boost to the ones you already had, rather than equally important as having the best weapon in game.

In the present, despite their strengths turmoil has the potential of giving you the same boost as differences between barrows and nex gear/choatics and overloads are capable of rs3 questing giving you the same boost that you get from the differences between Godwars Gear and the nex gear/chaotics. So they are far from little boosts.

As with any game of sports specific mechanics require some time to 2k22 mt master. For example, shooting is definitely one within NBA 2K that takes a moment to learn. But, using specific MyPlayer builds and badges is sure to pay off in the long run.

NBA 2K22 has showcased the creative spirit of the community with regards to innovative design and playstyles. And this viral TikTok post of Post Hook turned corner three is proof. NBA 2K22 has had mixed opinions since its launch, with some loving the changes to MyCareer on newer consoles, as well as others frustrated with the game's problems.

If you follow these rules, players should absolutely be able to clear each part of Meet the Designers quest lines. Check out all of our NBA 2K22 guides right here! NBA 2K22 is available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 in addition to Nintendo Switch.

Basketball 2K22: The Drama Trade Rumors bug fix has been on minds of every player that has encountered the issue. That makes sense, considering how severe the issue can be. It could block you out from many actions in the game.

It's not even the whole quest. So, in the following guide we'll give you some pointers on how you may be able to resolve the issue. They've assisted a lot of people, so I'm hoping that at least one of these tips will help you, too. So, without further ado, where we go.

To fix the NBA 2K22 The Drama Trade Rumors bug that prevents you from completing the quest and also prevents the player from doing anything, there's several things that you can do. First, you can replay Kendrick's tirade every time in your phone.

By that, I mean the phone you use in game not the real one. Try to change your apartment type by changing the settings. Then watch it again. There are some additional options you can be successful, such as running an exercise with your team or engage in several side-activities and then watch the video again.

As for an "official" solution The best thing 2K has accomplished so far is to reinstall the game and/or or clearing your cache. So, that's absolutely worth trying if all else fails. In any case, it's a huge buy nba 2k22 mt coins annoyance, one in a multitude of issues that players have faced thus far.

Thus, the desires in this season's games return to the chair, as they continue to bet on a game which boosts skill, encourages dedication and, online, enhances the capacity to fool and deceive the Nba 2k22 Mt opponent.If you do a search on the internet, you're certain to see several "best MyCareer build" lists. They're fantastic, but what you really should do is to imagine yourself as the person you want to play as and build your character accordingly. Unless you're planning to compete with the best athletes on the field in The City, you'll be content with the build you decide to choose.

Personally, we like playing a tough defense (blocks are a little overpowered to us so far) while also making our teammates more comfortable, and hitting the odd three when defense is sagging off. Maybe that's not the best for you, so take a look on the editing tool to find something that you like. You'll be more entertained that way.

One of the challenges that players face when beginning using MyCareer is that don't have enough vision to earn an "B" or higher Teammate Rating. Because you're an unrated player (unless you pay a small amount to purchase Virtual Currency), you're only going to have a few minutes.

This is a method to circumvent this issue, and it gives you more opportunities to rack up stats. Head into your Settings and look for the Quarter Length option. Set this to either 12 or 10 minutes, and you'll have more time on the court than you know what to do with. This allows you to get huge VC boost, so that you are able to upgrade your player faster.

This is the last joke, but it's ridiculous to walk in The City with State Farm's official attire. When you log in and have completed the first mission make sure you check your quests. You should find one that will take you to Jake from State Farm. You can talk to him and you'll have the full dress code to wear when you have a particularly grueling pickup game to play.

Curry Slide Curry Slide is back in NBA 2K22 but it's not available to those who have the ability to use a certain method. In recent times there's been no move that's as popular on the court as Stephen Curry's signature slide escape. In a sport that's based on opening up space for open threes the dribble is a move that can be spammed and covers an enormous amount of ground in a matter of minutes.

Even though, the Curry Slide technically shouldn't be accessible to earn or equipped within NBA 2K22 MyCareer currently, players have found ways to channel their inner chef. Here's how to 2k22 mt buy earn and use how to do the Curry Slide dribble animation in NBA 2K22 MyCareer for Current Gen and Next Gen.

I'm not sure which armour will be suitable for my needs. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you for your time. Because you have summoning Ill presume that you're an official member. This all depends what you're doing. How are you training for your strength? I'll presume you're using Slayer as it is a amazing runescape gold cheap training results, if that's the case then buy a black Mask/Slayer Helmet with a bandos chestplate/fighter Torso, Bandos Tassets. If you cant afford the tassets then of course you can just buy normal platelegs.

To wear boots, you can purchase Dragon Boots, gloves try for Barrows Gloves or if don't have them, you can get a battle bracelet. Amulets include two chocies and a fury, if you have the cash or glory if your short on money. If you are looking for a cape, there are too many options, but you should make sure you get the best one you can. If you're in the process of training strength the one thing to have is a dragon's defender. it's your top priority!

Can you sell it back in order to pay for a level objective, for example, 85 herblore? No. If he's not got funds and there's nothing to trade back. Is it possible to earn more in the hrs spent on it? Yes. There's no way you'll have enough money from BCP in the time it takes to acquire the body.

In conclusion: Torso is not worth purchasing. Period. For those who don't have the cash available it's a great alternative. One of the main disadvantages I've seen in slaying is the tiny fee for prayer. The loss of defence bonus very small. Do you have proof? The average money maker is around 1m an hr. For inexperienced players for that long to master BA and by then, it would be possible to pay for BCP.

I never said the def-related bonus mattered. If you look at my previous threads, I'm a fan of str to def anyday of the week. The fact is that you cannot trade torso back in exchange for money which means that the point is small. I'm confident that the "average" money maker is not more than 1m an hour. There are only a handful that generate that much.

There were so many bots running at AZs. I was able to barely earn 50k/hr. Many slayer tasks provide 80k+ xp per hr. I'm not aware of a single task that offers 80k xp/hr. Simply click the right moment on AZS and you'll not face any problems. It's not like everyone doesn't bots kill each other.

I am currently 100k exp from 99 woodcutting, and wanted to purchase an Saradomin sword. So I thought I'd decide to create a topic on here to see what everyone's opinions are, on whether or not I should purchase the ss, or a BGS which is priced in the same range now. I own a whip and rs gold cheapest dragon defender at the moment, but I can't train for strength using them, and I'm not a fan of 2h weapon types. Then I can do about the same with a ss as I do with the whip, but I don't have it.
